News |Events

2nd October 2024

London networking event – September 2024

Back in the big city for our latest networking event.

Last week (26th September), I headed up to London from Kent for the latest instalment of our networking event series, The 500 Club.

outside Davy's wine house

Unfortunately for me, the heavens opened as I was about to head out my front door to the train station. My housemate, fresh home from a work trip in America, offered me a lift, only to find that her car battery was, in fact, dead. Of course, to add to this, I then missed my train.

Despite this series of unfortunate events, I was in good spirits, and with a fantastic evening of networking ahead, I had good reason to be.

Late, flustered, and slightly damp, I made it to the station half an hour after I’d intended to catch the next train to St Pancras.

I got to Davy’s Wine House in record time (albeit slightly out of breath). The aforementioned issues on my journey, now an amusing anecdote.

I joined Mike Wright and Elizabeth Wright, and our co-hosts Roger Dugan, Asertis and Tony Sweeney and Mike Sheath, CAPA, quickly touching base with them on all things 500 Club and greeting our attendees as they entered the venue.

It was great to have some brand-new faces at the event, as well as our ‘regulars’.

The venue was bustling with professionals from various firms, including BDO, Charles Russell Speechleys, JMW, Kaur Maxwell, Laurus Law, Parker Andrews, PKF and Summit Law. Some were old friends catching up, and others making new contacts or facilitating introductions.

I thoroughly enjoyed the following hours of informal networking. I was intrigued to learn more about others’ work and interests, not to mention, the opportunity to provide detailed insight into our services for those who were new to the circuit.

Overall, another brilliant event in the big city – further evidenced by the lack of red wine by the end of the evening!

Next Thursday (10th October), for one night only, Malcolm Jones comes out of his recent retirement for The 500 Club in Liverpool.

Our aim at these events is to bring together likeminded professionals from the insolvency, finance, legal, and related fields to network and connect in an informal setting.

The 500 Club regularly takes place across the UK, in cities including Birmingham, Manchester, London, Bristol and Leeds. Check the full 2024 calendar and learn more about The 500 Club.

Join The 500 Club community online and stay informed about event updates throughout the year on our LinkedIn page.

Email to get your name on the invite list.

the 500 club

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