News |Events

24th June 2024

Manchester networking event – June 2024

The 500 Club returns to Manchester.

Last week (19th June) Chris Jones from Asertis, Gareth Fitzgerald from CAPAMike Wright, Liam Geoghegan and I returned to Manchester for another evening of successful networking, hot on the heels of our London event only 5 days before.

As usual, the turnout was brilliant and it was great to see many of our existing contacts, as well as brand new ones.

With another new venue tested, this time North Westward Ho, the evening was a real triumph, with several commenting not only on their enjoyment of the evening itself, but also the backdrop to which it was held.

With a multitude of professionals in the room, including the likes of Begbies Traynor, Forbes Solicitors, Inquesta, Kuits and Quantuma, it was fantastic to see everyone engaging in good conversation over a couple of drinks, and (as always) it was a pleasure to be involved.

Our aim is to bring together likeminded professionals from the insolvency, finance, legal, and related fields to network and connect in an informal setting.

The 500 Club regularly takes place across the UK, in cities including London, Manchester, and Liverpool. With many new cities added for 2024, there’s a good chance we’ll be coming to a city near you soon! Check the full 2024 calendar and learn more about The 500 Club.

Join The 500 Club community online and stay informed about event updates throughout the year on our LinkedIn page.

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