A covert camera system hidden in a WiFi booster module, which would not be given a second glance in a home or office.
The LawMate PV-WB10i is a high-definition (1080p) covert camera system, that actually works as a WiFi booster, as well. This hidden camera system is mains-powered, so it never runs out of charge.
Paired with the free LawMate mobile app (available for Apple and Android devices), the PV-WB10i allows you to watch a live stream from the hidden camera, and its WiFi connectivity allows for remote accees to control the device’s resolution settings, time/date, SD card formatting and to start and stop recording. Footage captured with the camera can also be downloaded wirelessly.
Instantly review the captured footage on a smartphone or tablet. Live-stream video up to a distance of five metres.
Easy to set up and maintain.
The LawMate app for controlling the camera and reviewing footage is available for free from the App Store and Google Play.
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