Insights |Investigations

4th August 2021

Cyber fraud and ‘persons unknown’

On 20 September 2018, His Honour Judge Waksman upheld the UK arm of natural resources company China Molybdenum Company’s (CMOC) claims against 28 individuals as well as ‘persons unknown’ for the recovery of money stolen through online fraud.

Unknown individuals had hacked in to CMOC’s systems and sent forged payment instructions to CMOC’s bank, resulting in the fraudulent diversion of millions of pounds into bank accounts held by a large number of international and overseas banks, operating across multiple jurisdictions. CMOC v Persons Unknown [2018] EWHC 2230 (Comm) is a landmark case because it is the first time that the High Court has granted a worldwide freezing injunction against alleged anonymous perpetrators involving cyber fraud in England and Wales. Up until this point, injunctions against ‘persons unknown’...
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